minoxidil beard success stories real results with before and after pictures

Minoxidil Beard Success Stories (Real Results With Before And After Pictures)

Okay, so you’ve done your research.

You’ve heard about how minoxidil has been helping thousands of men around the world grow the beard that they had never been able to grow naturally.

It sounds good. REALLY good. But perhaps – TOO good to be true?

So now, you are in search of proof. REAL proof.

Not just some made up stories with people simply telling you that minoxidil works, sharing how so many people have found success with it, and how if you apply it yourself, you will also achieve the same bearded look.

You want to see some real results with your own eyes.

Well, congratulations… you’ve come to the right place.

But before we get into that, I want to make sure that you have a complete understanding of the whole concept of applying minoxidil on your face to achieve the before and after pictures that you’ve come to see.

It’s important that you know how they got to where they are now, and that it’s not simply something they decide to do one day and immediately getting results the next day.

In fact, it all started just as an experiment…

What Is The Minoxidil Beard Growth Experiment?

what is the minoxidil beard growth experimentPut simply, the minoxidil beard growth experiment is a test conducted by young men from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds who have always wanted to grow a beard, but can’t.

The hypothesis is that if you apply minoxidil on your face – similarly to how balding men have applied the same product on their scalp to reverse the effects of their receding hairlines – the same result would happen whereby new hair growth would occur in the areas in which the minoxidil product have been administered.

Similar to the application of minoxidil on the scalp, it may take a bit of time before your body fully accepts and gets used to the product in your system, and the actual time before any kind of results can be seen may be different from person to person.

Anyone who is interested in trying the minoxidil facial hair growth experiment for themselves is recommended to take the appropriate precaution by first doing their research to understand what can be expected, as well as any potential side effects that may occur.

Just like the length of time in which you can expect results, how your body would ultimately react to minoxidil being placed on your skin, as well as how long it would take before the your body goes back to normal are also different based on each individual.

In the end, if after you have completed your research and made the exciting decision to give the beard growth experiment a try, you would then have welcomed yourself in what those in the community are calling “the minoxidil journey.”

How Can I Start The Minoxidil Beard Journey?

how can I start the minoxidil beard journeyFor starters, if you have made the decision to join thousands of men around the world on this minoxidil beard journey, a huge congratulations is in order.

That’s because you have proven to be one of the small minority of action takers out there who are brave enough to go after what they want in life.

You see, most people only dare to dream.

And no doubt, many people have dreams… LOTS of dreams; but because they don’t take action on them, those dreams will always remain dreams.

These dreams can be that they want to start an online business, or one day be able to travel around the world, or eventually be able to spend more time with their families.

Then, there are the smaller dreams, the more personal dreams: like the dream for many babyface guys to be able to grow a nice beard one day.

Well, in order for those dreams to materialize (whatever those dreams may be) and get transformed into reality, at some point, you must take the appropriate steps towards making them happen.

This may very well be your moment.

And to get started is not difficult; all you need to do is just that: get started.


Well, it’s called the minoxidil beard journey because you will be applying minoxidil on your face, which means that the most logical first step is to own your very first bottle of minoxidil.

You can find the minoxidil bundle of your choice by clicking here (it’s from Amazon, one of the most trusted e-commerce product sites in the world, and it’s also where I get my minoxidil, as well as other products associated with my minoxidil beard journey).

How Long Does It Take To Grow A Beard With Using Minoxidil?

how long should I use minoxidil for beardAs previously mentioned, the length of time it takes to see facial hair results with minoxidil can vary from person to person.

There are a lot of factors at play here, as progress may be affected by:

  • Your consistency in applying minoxidil on your face (recommended is two times a day)
  • How well you normally take care of your face (whether you wash it, massage it, etc.)
  • What various other complementary health supplements you may be taking that would aid in beard production
  • The environment that you are living in (for example, if you are surrounded by clean air or polluted places that can stick oil and dirt on your face, thus clogging up your pores)
  • Any potential bad habits you may have that would decrease your testosterone levels (ie. not enough rest, excessive consumption of unhealthy foods, smoking cigarettes or anything else similar that contains nicotine, etc.)
  • Or even your genetics (not to say it’s not possible if you don’t have a family history of bearded men as your ancestors, but it may take a little more time for the minoxidil magic to “kick in” if you are going to be the first person in your family tree to grow a beard)

… Just to name a few.

With that said, any and all of the potential obstacles described above can be easily fixed as long as you are committed to the minoxidil beard journey and willing to do what it takes in order to achieve your goal of a full beard.

To give you a better piece of mind and a rough idea on what to expect, what I can say is that with those who have been on this minoxidil beard journey (and those who are currently still on it), length of time to achieve initial results vary from as quickly as one to two weeks, to as long as a few months down the line.

It’s important to note that “initial results” is a far cry from saying that they have actually achieved their beard, as just like any hair in your body, it does take time for it to grow.

So, just because you may have noticed your “initial results” of new hair growth on the 3rd or 4th week, it may potentially take another few weeks or even a few months before you can consider yourself to have a respectable beard.

How Long Should I Use Minoxidil For Beard?

how long does it take to grow a beard with using minoxidil

The thing with minoxidil is, whether you are using it on your scalp, face or anywhere else, the “initial results” I just talked about typically refers to the activation of the soft baby hair we already have pretty much all over our bodies known as vellus hair.

Your vellus hair already exists, and are most likely already surrounding the areas of your face that you want your beard to be.

With your vellus hair, the problem is that they are so soft and light in color that they are pretty much invisible, and only you know they are there if you stared at yourself really closely in the mirror (some people may even need the magnifying mirrors in order to see those small strands of almost-invisible baby hairs).

When you use minoxidil, the first thing that it does is it would activate those vellus hairs and slowly turn them thicker and darker, while also activating the ability for them to grow longer in length (like regular hair).

However, vellus hair will always be vellus hair, which means that they are not the same as the actual long, thick strands of hair that we have on our scalp.

The way this works is that eventually, in order for us to have actual mature growth of real hair on our faces, the vellus hair needs to be “transitioned” into terminal hair, which is the official scientific terminology that refers to the type of hair on a person’s head, as well as the “real” facial hair that bearded men have on their faces.

Interestingly enough, vellus hair does not “turn into” terminal hair, but rather, after a period of time, the vellus hair will actually shed (meaning they will fall out), and when it finally grows back out, terminal hair will take its place.

And just like anything else, the amount of time that it takes for the vellus hair to fall out, as well as the terminal hair to grow back out, is again different for everyone.

For this reason, how long you should stick to using minoxidil would depend on how long it takes for your vellus hair to become terminal.

Once your terminal hair has become terminal, it is generally safe for you to stop using minoxidil, as your hair has already become permanent.

That said, a general rule of thumb for most minoxidil users is that they usually commit themselves to staying on the product for a minimum of one year, while others who want to play it safe and further enhance the chances of them achieving and maintaining a full, thick beard for life decide to stick with applying minoxidil for two full years.

But in the end, it’s really up to you.

Where Can I Find Result Pictures From This Minoxidil Beard Growth Progress?

where can I find result pictures from this minoxidil beard growth progressAfter all that’s said and done, what really matters the most is the results one can expect to achieve while being on the minoxidil journey.

Now, it’s important to note that the following video you’re about to watch that contains some before and after pictures of real guys on the minoxidil journey, not all of them have completed their journeys yet.

They are simply “progress” photos, which means that for some of them, they are still very much actively applying minoxidil on their faces for beard growth every single day.

Although – I’m sure that you will agree, even though they are still in the middle of their journey, some of these results are pretty darn impressive!

24 Men Who Are On The Minoxidil Beard Journey To Grow Facial Hair
(Click On The Play Icon In The Middle Of The Video To Start)

Well, there you have it.

These are real before and after photos of real guys before applying minoxidil their faces and after using it for a period of time in order to grow their beards.

Again, this is just “before and after” the application of minoxidil, not necessarily “before and after” the minoxidil journey, as many of these men are still very much active minoxidil users.

You’ll see people who have been on their minoxidil products for 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and more.

As always, results will vary from person to person.

Before we end this article, I want to answer more in depth one final question as it pertains closely to the question before this one, and that is:

What Happens If You Stop Using Minoxidil On Your Beard?

what happens if you stop using minoxidil on your beardYes, this is a legitimate concern that many people have, and rightfully so.

As discussed earlier, there could be some unpleasant side effects for people who use minoxidil, and it may become a bad enough experience for some people to quit in the middle of their minoxidil beard journey before achieving their beard.

Some guys may make the decision to stop early on in the journey, while others may choose to be starting and stopping again every one, two, or three months, hence not really giving your body the fighting chance to get used to the product which will eventually cause all the discomfort to go away (and yes, most, if not all, do go away).

Unfortunately, if you do stop using minoxidil in the middle of your beard journey, the sad truth is that any new hair gains that you have achieved during that time WILL indeed fall out, which means that you will lose everything and slowly return back to the way you looked originally prior to embarking on the journey.

There’s no way around this, as any of the new gains are still very much vellus hair, and the vellus hair will fall out once they are no longer stimulated by the minoxidil (and I’m talking about really falling out and losing them for good, which is different than the shedding of the vellus hair experienced during the journey as it transitions into terminal hair) .

The only way to ensure that your minoxidil efforts become permanent is if you do commit yourself to staying on the journey for the one or two years that you personally need to take for your terminal hair to kick in.

Hey – No one said that it would be easy, but as personally vouched for by anyone who have seen the results, what we are saying is that it is worth it 🙂

And of course, if you never try, you’ll never know, so if you are serious about growing your nice beard and curious to see what minoxidil can do for you, make the decision to join us on the minoxidil beard journey today (start by choosing your minoxidil here, or you can learn more about the differences between your various options by reading my full minoxidil review here).

If nothing else, you will at least create some new friendships that can last a lifetime.